FAQs and expert advice about cars & transport

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Midlands Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

All Reved Up

All Reved Up

Q What should be kept in mind regarding booking transport for our special day?
A Andrew Grieve says: With many vehicles at your disposal, including vintage and classic cars, London taxis and VW Campervans, the first decision is to select a vehicle that complements your theme. This choice will set the tone for your special day.

Exploring various options and reading reviews from past clients about the cars and their drivers is crucial. Look for a company with a proven track record that can easily handle the logistics of your wedding day, ensuring a stress-free experience. If the company is friendly and can advise on how to make your day 'flow' well, they'll give you professional service on your big day.

When booking a wedding car, ensure it has enough head and leg room for your needs and large enough doors to get in, but without any problems, in a wedding dress with a train. Also, consider any high hairstyles or headdresses.

Check the car's seating capacity and whether the company can safely transport children by providing a suitable car or booster seat. The law requires this up to the age of 12. If the company is happy to provide more than one trip to the venue, check for sufficient time for that extra journey.

Finally, suppose the company is happy to provide extra services such as a choice of colour for wedding ribbons and bows or offer a Champagne stop between the wedding venue and reception. In that case, it may make your day even more special. Just remember that champagne or bubbly will need to be provided by the client because of licensing regulations.

Andrew Grieve, My Little White London Taxi

Talk of the town

Talk of the town

Q We're looking for something fun that will keep our guests talking for years to come. Do you have any suggestions?
A Sandip Gillar says: Enhancing the fun factor at your wedding is a wonderful goal to ensure your guests have an absolute blast. There are several exciting elements you can incorporate to achieve this, including engaging your guests in interactive entertainment options like photo booths, captivating live performers, or a delightful cocktail bar, which will undoubtedly keep them engaged and create cherished memories.

To elevate the excitement further, consider adding surprising and unforgettable moments throughout your special day. Imagine the joy on your guests' faces as they witness an unexpected flash mob dance, marvel at a spectacular fireworks display, or are treated to extraordinary performances by talented friends or family members.

The key to creating an extraordinary wedding experience lies in infusing unique touches that reflect your distinct personalities. Let your creativity shine through in every detail, allowing your wedding to become an authentic expression of who you are as a couple. Whether it's through personalised decorations, heartfelt gestures, or custom-made elements, make sure every aspect of your celebration radiates your love and individuality. By incorporating these suggestions and infusing your personal flair into your wedding, you'll create an enchanting atmosphere that will leave your guests talking about your magical day for years to come.

Sandip Gillar, Luxor Events

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